Friday, January 30, 2015

Dear Mother of a Toddler

 Dear Mother of a Toddler,

 So yesterday I know you stood in the mirror looking at the bags under your eyes. You probably  saw the very pale (once tan) girl you used to be. Most likely you saw hair that needed to be washed and clothes that had marks from where your child had wiped his mouth on your shoulder. You sadly looked down to notice toe nails that had the same chipped polish on them that they had 7 months earlier. You probably looked back up with tears in your eyes and wondered.... Where is she? Where is the woman I used to be?

Don't get me wrong You love your life. You love your husband. Your job. Your child etc. But slowly you do not like the woman that you see in the mirror. The woman you see in the mirror probably looks as if she has it all together to the outside world- but inside you feel as if you are falling apart.

Little by little you are losing sight of the girl you are... or at least the girl you used to be. It’s as if LIFE has taken over and you can't find her. You feel as if you have been robbed of your inner being and she is lost.

You wonder will you ever find her again? Will you ever be the fun, energetic girl you once were? Because right now you feel like that girl is nowhere to be found.

And since she is lost- You feel like You are letting down your husband- because he lost the woman he fell in love with. Maybe that's why you haven't had a date night in so long. Maybe that's why you feel as if you are begging for quality time. A little piece of you doesn’t blame him for not wanting to be around you. Who would? Have you seen what you are looking at?

You want to be happy with yourself again. You just don't know how to achieve it. You are worn out-Mentally, physically, and emotionally. Drained to the max. Like every new day is starting to become a challenge that you have to tackle on its own. Filled with Hurtles that you are constantly trying to overcome.

Deep down you knew that by becoming a wife and mother your life would change. I guess you never thought that you would lose the old you in the process. You didn't realize that sitting down to eat would consist of not eating because your child wants you to feed them. Or that bath time would most likely be your child bathing and you missing a shower because by the time its
“your turn” you are too tired to even think about it. You didn’t realize that  dinner would be a hassle every night because your child won't let you put them down- which makes you just want to throw in the towel on dinner all together. Which isn’t fair to your husband or yourself but at this point in life- who needs dinner? You didn't realize that everything you did from now on had to be "hurried".

There are days you want to go sit in the bath tub- just to sit. Days you want to hide under the covers- just to hide. You are so torn because you want to be around family and friends but at the same time- you want to be left alone.

Can you say lack of motivation? You feel like you are merely going through motions that are becoming so routine.

 Where is she? If you could just find her you feel as if everything would go back to normal.

You even wonder if other people see her anymore- or is it just you?


Well… Believe it or not… The woman you are trying to find… People see her every time they look at you! They love the girl that you were, the woman you are now, and the woman they see you becoming! You may not notice it- but they notice it.

They see a determined woman who puts others first. They see the Beauty that you are desperately searching for. You see the bags under your eyes and they see the glow. You see the pale skin and they see past it to the heart of Gold. You see the chipped polish and they see the hard working hands.

It may feel like your world is falling apart slowly- but to tell you the truth- you are holding the whole world in your hands when you rock that baby to sleep at night. The hair appointments nail appointments, gym, clothes and sleep will come in time- for now- your world needs you- all of you.

Just remember- when you look in the mirror- other people see more than what you are looking at!  There are women who are praying to be in your shoes. There are others who don’t appreciate your shoes. And there are some- who totally understand it. 
You are more than just a meal prepper..
diaper changer...
laundry folder..
grocery buyer..
baby bather..
husband tender..
full time job goer...
You are Woman…
You are a MOM!

And a dang good one!

1 Peter 3:3-4 Do not let your adorning be external- the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear- but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.

Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a women who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Song of Solomon 4:7 You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.

2 Corinthians 4:16 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.

1 Samuel 16:7 God does not view things the way men do. People look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.