Wednesday, April 16, 2014

~My Weakness~

Is it just me or do other Mothers out there hear their alarm clocks frantically screaming in the morning, roll over, and think "I just did this!!!"

It seems like everyday is filled with events that keep me away from my family- keep me busy and on my toes. I come home- go to bed and repeat! On any given day I can go from teaching a class at the Detention Center to teaching middle School Students about Leadership and Communication- then Go teach a craft class or take a class from the gym- From one extreme to another!

Sometimes I feel guilty- Although I am doing what I can to provide for my family or every now and then fitting in a workout to better myself- I feel like I am an absent wife or mom. Guilt is something I let control me. It is my weakness!

Someone once told me that I am a PEOPLE PLEASER- and that I needed to learn to Please myself!

HA- Easier said then done!

What is pleasing to me? That's not hard- God, Family, and friends! Sometimes I get so carried away with helping others that I forget to help myself. I let my priorities take the back burner. (My family and friends may not see it or agree with it- yet I feel it).. ----Remember (that "G" word= GUILT).

It haunts me- it makes my heart beat faster than it needs to- it causes tension to build up in my shoulders, neck, and head. It makes my hair turn colors and causes deep valleys under my eyes.

Priorities should be just that- Priorities! I was told the other day that I just need to start telling people "NO".. That's another weakness of mine! But I am making a pact to start trying! Slowly but surely I will limit myself. You only live once right. I need to make the best of my time with my family while I have it!

Are you losing sight of your priorities? Do you catch yourself stuck on "repeat"? Is Guilt something you are encountering when you spend more time working and doing things for others than you do for yourself? If so, then maybe it is time for you to slow down as well! Remember- You can't people please all the time- (without being selfish) you must learn to please yourself! Don't let the hecticness of life rob you of your joy!