Thursday, July 17, 2014

What do your "Hats" look like?

So I woke up this morning as Katie the Wife. Snuggled up to my husband in the comfort of our Bed. My alarm clock woke me up- gratefully- but not long after.... the coo's of my Son made me exit the warmth of the covers. Now the Mother in me greeted him, changed his diaper, and started preparing things for the babysitter. (All the while trying to dress myself and prepare for my other FULL TIME job).

This is so normal to me that it doesn't take any special planning. It's second nature to go from one Role to the next. Then it dawned on me. We (all humans I guess), have so many different hats that we wear. Some more than others- based on their jobs, passions, skill level, etc. But in one given day my role can go from Wife to Mother, Prevention Specialist to Fundraiser Planner, Craft Teacher to Sunday School Teacher. Not to mention the (daughter, sister, friend roles) when people call to want to do lunch, dinner, hang out etc.  Sometimes I don't know whether I am coming or going (not sure if everyone thinks that about me too or not).------Hope not!

But the other day I was presented with an opportunity- One that in one role would be okay- but the other role- it would be a conflict. This had me thinking about how many different roles one can have at one time- and how it is important, no matter what role you are in, to stay true to yourself, your morals and your values.

For instance- If I were going to pitch an idea to a school about a program that I offered- I would look at it from the different Hats that I wear. I would not only see it as my JOB- But I would see it as a PARENT to one of the students- or as the SUNDAY SCHOOL teacher to one of the students. (By doing this- 1.) I will be more effective at what I do. 2.) I will have more passion for the subject 3.) Others will see that passion in me.

Some people tell me- Girl, I don't know WHEN or IF you sleep- You are in to so many different things!!! And yes, They are right, I am. But when Katie does something- or takes on a different HAT- I do it with everything that I have in me. I don't just wear a visor (and do things half way) I put that hat on and pull my pony tail through (If you know what I mean).

Sometimes I feel that people must look at their HAT collection and make sure that none of them are dusty, falling apart, or need to be thrown out. What I mean by this is....... Are there roles in your life that you let take a back burner because the PASSION is no longer there? Are there roles in your life that you miss yet haven't made time for? (this can be relationships with a wife/husband/ child or other family member)? Or are there roles in your life that you are merely involved in because you have to be- and its time to step down?

I believe if something is worth doing- then its worth doing right the first time. (Put your whole heart into what you are doing) If you can't.... then why are you doing it?

Ask yourself: "What Hats do I wear?"------- "Is it time to clean out the closet?" "Am I ready for another Hat?"

Your different "HAT'S" or Roles shouldn't conflict with your morals or values. You should still be you no matter what role you are playing.

If Katie can't be Katie- then Katie ain't going!

Examine your roles-clean out your closet of hats or by all means go shopping for some new ones!